Observatorio BizkaiaBasket Blog

The importance of NBA Box Score Statistics

The Nation Basketball Association (NBA) has embraced the 21st Century by increasing its use of advanced analytics. New and evolving statistics can be used to determine how efficient a player is while he is...


Lesiones deportivas en baloncesto infantil femenino

El baloncesto es un deporte que presenta una gran aceptación entre las niñas preadolescentes, si bien poco se sabe sobre la incidencia de lesiones que su práctica tiene sobre esta población. Este trabajo tuvo...


Fitness System and Method for Basketball Training

A fitness system for training a user to perform basketball movements is disclosed. The fitness system may include a sensor configured to detect spatial data associated with the user and a basketball. The fitness...

racha lanzamiento baloncesto

How Does Biological Maturation and Training Experience Impact the Physical and Technical Performance of 11–14-Year-Old Male Basketball Players?

This study investigated the effects of age, maturity status, anthropometrics, and years of training on 11–14year-old male basketball players’ physical performance and technical skills development, and (2) estimated the contribution of maturity status and...

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